About Us Page

Our mission is to celebrate speeches and speech making through live public events across the globe. We celebrate the role of speeches to bring communities together and, above all,s to share ideas. We promote speech making across all levels of society: in schools, colleges and universities, speaking clubs, non-profit organisations and companies. We provide materials to help our participants to get better at public speaking and many of our event hosts conduct speaker training in schools and communities. We promote speeches in more than 100 nations across the globe. We believe in human progress; but we also believe that progress is never linear. The ideas which will shape tomorrow will come from unexpected voices. We have seen how young people have used speeches to change opinions and their world: Malala Yousafzai and Greta Thunberg are notable examples.

We encourage events that will give others the platform to share their ideas. World Speech Day is a not for profit organisation Our mission is to celebrate speeches and speech making through live public events across the globe. We celebrate the role of speeches to bring communities together and, above all, to share ideas. We promote speech making across all levels of society: in schools, colleges and universities, speaking clubs, non-profit organisations and companies. We provide materials to help our participants to get better at public speaking and many of our event hosts conduct speaker training in schools and communities. We promote speeches in more than 100 nations across the globe. We believe in human progress; but we also believe that progress is never linear. The ideas which will shape tomorrow will come from unexpected voices.

We have seen how young people have used speeches to change opinions and their world: Malala Yousafzai and Greta Thunberg are notable examples. We encourage events that will give others the platform to share their ideas. World Speech Day is a not for profit organisation. Our mission is to celebrate speeches and speech making through live public events across the globe. We celebrate the role of speeches to bring communities together and, above all, to share ideas. We promote speech making across all levels of society: in schools, colleges and universities, speaking clubs, non-profit organisations and companies.

We provide materials to help our participants to get better at public speaking and many of our event hosts conduct speaker training in schools and communities. We promote speeches in more than 100 nations across the globe. We believe in human progress; but we also believe that progress ise seen how young people have used speeches to change opinions and their world: Malala Yousafzai and Greta Thunberg are notable examples. We encourage events that will give others the platform to share their ideas. World Speech Day is a not for profit organisation.

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